10 Ways To Be More Present as a Parent…

1. Be truly 100% physically and mentally present. Put away any distractions like your mobile devices and your TV.
2. Make bedtime a peaceful and intimate occasion. A time to peacefully close the day while giving yourself fully to the moment of being present with your child. Try incorporating a bedtime story which is a simple but effective way of being present.
3. Schedule 10 – 15 minutes per day of special one-on-one time with your child. Spend those moments only with that child and no one nor nothing else. Schedule time for each individual child with no interruption.
4. Practice the art of conversation with your children. With open-ended questions. When you are spoken to by them, take the time to respond thoughtfully and thoroughly
5. Practice writing letters to your children even those who can’t yet read. A letter is an intimate precious expression of affection. Leave them little surprise notes in their school bags and lunch kits.
6. Give yourself an extra hour in the morning. Start your day in silence and calm by waking thirty minutes to an hour before your child wakes up. It will give you a peaceful start to your day and a chance to get a few things done, reducing the need for the morning hustle and providing you the opportunity to be more present when you child awakes.
7. If you speak to any parent of a teenager it helps put things quickly into perspective. You won’t be needed this much for very long. In the not too distant future the hand holding with stop, the ‘cuddle times’ will end and very likely your child will rather spend more time in their room than with you. Remind yourself of this anytime you feel overwhelmed by your child’s constant need for attention.
8. Make eye contact. Put whatever you are doing on pause and make eye contact while communicating with your child
9. Physical contact – This goes beyond the new-born baby skin to skin contact. It is important to hold your children. Hugs, kisses, physical play, cuddle time, snuggles. Touch increases the bond between you and your child. Touch is important for stimulating brain development.
10. Be intentional about your child’s self esteem by paying attention to their needs, interest, dislikes. Let them know that their ideas are important by listening.