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Well Being

Adult Colouring and Self-care

Adult Colouring and Self-care

We mostly associate colouring with children. However most recently adult colouring has grown in popularity. People choose to take it on for several reasons but most significant to this discussion is the therapeutic benefits which people claim adult colouring bring to them. Below I list […]

Selfcare, Hygge and Reading

Selfcare, Hygge and Reading

Self care, Hygge and Reading Put together an excellent reading list   As a parent self care is most often the last thing on our agenda. Sadly it should be the first or a very close second. The Danish are renowned for being the happiest […]



Hygge   So What Is Hygge? On the surface hygge is a confusing Danish word that does not sound the way it looks. To be honest my first encounter with the word was in written form and I pronounced it  ‘Hig-gee’ I am so grateful […]



Gratitude    There is an old Christian hymn written by Johnson Oatman Jr. And one line of the song  says ‘Count your blessings name them one by one’. Later on the song says that counting your blessings will surprise you. The truth is unless you […]

Flowers, Plants and Hygge

Flowers, Plants and Hygge

Flowers , plants and Hygge     Research consistently shows that flowers positively impact our wellbeing. A study by Park and Mattson found that hospital patients with flowers in their rooms needed less postoperative pain medication and displayed several additional positive results including more positive […]

Be Present

Be Present

Be Present   Being present is about being in the moment, being fully present with everyone and everything around you. It is about being mindful of what is happening at that very moment in and to you and the others around you. It is an […]

Be Present

Be Present

Be Present   Being present is about being in the moment, being fully present with everyone and everything around you. It is about being mindful of what is happening at that very moment in and to you and the others around you. It is an […]