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Intergenerational Transmission of Parenting

<strong>Intercepting – “The Ghost In the Nursery” Part 2 </strong>

Intercepting – “The Ghost In the Nursery” Part 2 

Intercepting – The Ghost In the Nursery Part 2 The Importance of Mindfulness In Parenting On Intergenerational Transmission of Parenting Practices “A thing which has not been understood inevitably reappears; like an unlaid ghost, it cannot rest until the mystery has been solved and the spell […]

Discovering The Ghost In the Nursery – Part 1 Intergenerational Parenting Practices

Discovering The Ghost In the Nursery – Part 1 Intergenerational Parenting Practices

In 1975, Selma Fraiberg, a clinical social worker and child psychoanalyst, presented the metaphor of “ghosts in the nursery.” In every nursery there are ghosts. They are visitors from the unremembered past of the parents, the uninvited guests at the christening. Under all favourable circumstances […]