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How to Successfully Write Your Own Affirmations

How to Successfully Write Your Own Affirmations

How to Successfully Write

Your Own Affirmations


Consider a negative thought you have about yourself; now turn that thought into its positive version.

An example would be; “I do not have enough skills to be successful”. The positive version of this would be “I have everything I need to begin my journey of success” a supporting affirmation would be “Everything I need to know I am learning”


Make short memorable affirmations e.g.  “I am enough” This is a short yet very powerful affirmation.


Make sure that all your affirmations are written in the Positive.

They must focus on what you want, rather than what you do not want. Words like ‘don’t’, ‘won’t’, ‘never’, should not be included in an affirmation. For example never write “I don’t want to be lazy”. What you want to say is “I am energetic and industrious”.


Make sure your affirmations are written in a first person present statement that declares you “are” whatever you desire to be.

Begin with “I”, “I am” or “my” e.g “I am happy”, “I have everything I need to be successful”, “My heart is full of LOVE”. Never say “I want” or “I will”. An affirmation should declare that you already “are”. It should say that you are already experiencing the desire now. Not that you will or may in the future.


Include passion and emotion when writing your affirmations.

This appears to be the magic which gets the affirmation working. Affirmations must be on an intellectual and emotional level for it to work. Think about actually living out your desire. Imagine how happy you will be. Insert the positive emotions and passion into your affirmation. This will help you connect more deeply with the affirmation.  For example; “I have everything I need to be successful and I am so excited by the fruits of my success.”


Be realistic about your affirmations.

If you can’t even bring yourself to believe what you have stated then it will become difficult for you to take any positive action. If you are 50 years old and have a few physical ailments, then making an affirmation like “I am an Olympic athlete” would be very difficult for even you to believe. A more realistic affirmation would be “I am a fitness enthusiast” or “I work out everyday”


Practice gratitude in your affirmations by affirming successes that you already have.

Think about things that you are good at, positive attributes about yourself, and affirm them. They may be things that you have never considered before. This will reinforce your positive feelings and make you even more confident about achieving affirmations that have not yet been realised.


I choose

Some affirmations may be too difficult to believe because they may be to very unrealistic to think that you are this way already. If your goal is to lose weight and you are looking at yourself in the mirror seeing yourself as visibly overweight and stuck right there on your mirror is the Post-it note where you have written an affirmation declaring “ I am slim and trim” then this is going to take some convincing. A better way to frame your affirmation would be to say “I choose to eat well and exercise daily”


Write it Out. 

I mean literally write it with paper and ink. Not on a laptop or your Note app on a mobile device. Click here for a useful free downloadable cheat sheet.


Goal setting, Action plans, Journaling

Follow up affirmations by setting goals and writing supporting action plans for these goals. Journaling is another way to support your affirmations as it gives you the opportunity to express your feelings in a more detailed way and assess whether or not you may be blocking yourself from achieving your affirmed state.