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The Whole Parenting Method – Parenting Clinic



Welcome to The Whole Parenting Method Clinic 




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The Whole Parenting method will present you with exactly what you need for the change that you want. It provides an easily digestible understanding of how your child’s developing mind works.


It is based on robust research and helps you understand how to nurture your child’s developing mind to get to solutions for the parental issues you face daily like power struggles, tantrums and fiery outburst, meltdowns and impulse control.


I will teach you through this method, how to communicate effectively without manipulation so that your child becomes far more cooperative and obedient without power struggles. But so that she also becomes a thinking, reasoning, confident, self-sufficient child who is thoughtful and empathetic to others.


This method will also teach you how to discipline in a firm, calm, empathetic, nurturing way, with connection and teaching as a focus. Resulting in not only a cooperative child, but also a child who will eventually be able to make the right decision without outside influences.


The Whole Parenting Method will also teach you how to build a connected relationship with your child. One that is affectionate, empathetic, kind, resilient and will stand the test of time and circumstances.




Here is what You Will Receive


Pre-consultation assessment

  • This assessment will allow me get to know you, a bit about your family and also about your child/children. The assessment will give me some insight into your concern, and will allow me to understand how best I could support you in our session to make positive and effective change.


90 Minute Consultation

  • In this session you will gain an understanding of how your child’s developing brain works and how you can best nurture your child’s developing brain to become more cooperative. You will receive a practical toolkit of solutions to begin solving the unique issues that you are facing with your child all in a way that builds connection between you and your child.
  • You will learn how to develop and implement simple and effective strategies for responding to misbehaviour, you will learn how to be firm and consistent in your discipline, all while operating in a way that builds connection between you and your child always conveying kindness, respect, love, warmth and empathy.
  • You will learn the science behind how the way your brain functions impacts the way you respond to your child and affects your disciplinary practice
  • Create a calmer, happier, more productive home environment just from understanding how the mind works.
  • Learn how you can make changes to help you discipline in a much calmer and controlled way. A way that goes beyond intellectual knowledge.
  • Learn to teach your child how to develop healthy meaningful social relationships and be able to relate to others in an empathetic and nurturing way.


A 30 minute follow-up session 15 days later

This session is to recap what we previously worked on and to address anything coming out of the take home work and your new parenting practice.




Are you interested in working with me? Here’s how to get started.



  • Click the ‘BUY IT NOW button below  to submit your payment.


  • After you submit your payment, you’ll receive your welcome packet and client agreement from me within 48 hours.


  • Once your agreement has been signed, you’ll be given access to your client prep work assessment. This assessment will allow me get to know you, know a bit about your family and also about your child/children. The assessment will give me some insight into your concern, and will allow me to understand how best I could support you in our session to make positive and effective change.


  • When your prep work is complete, you’ll be given a link to schedule your session with me. Then, we’ll have our session!


  • 90 minute session with homework – In this session you will develop an understanding of how your child’s developing brain works and how you can best nurture your child’s developing brain to become more cooperative. You will receive a practical toolkit of solutions to begin solving the unique issues that you are facing with your child all in a way that builds connection between you and your child.


  • 30 minute follow up consultation 5-15 days later 


Click the ‘BUY IT NOW button below  to begin 


By clicking on the Buy It Now button you agree for us to use your data to contact you. For more information please view our Privacy Policy 


If you have any questions please email me at –  louise@thewholeparenting.com

Now let’s  begin your journey to changing your parent-child relationship through the most effective and transformative method to parenting.